
Kanye West Spent $12.5 Million of His Own Money on Presidential Campaign

todayFebruary 26, 2021 2

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Kanye West’s failed presidential campaign cost him millions.

PEOPLE magazine reports that the billionaire rapper-designer spent $13.2 million on his 2020 bid for the White House, which breaks down to approximately $200 for every vote.

Of that amount, West put in $12.5 million of his own money while collecting more than $2 million in outside contributions, according to his final Federal Election Commission report.

He raised a total of $14.5 million to fund the campaign, which he announced just 122 days before Election Day. In the end, he only got his name on 12 state ballots and earned about 66,000 votes nationally.

“He isn’t versed enough politically,” said a former West campaign operative. “He figured that by doing it on his own, he could control his own media. But he has so much other stuff going on in his life that has nothing to do with politics that the distractions are there.”

West launched his campaign on July 4, 2020 under the “Birthday Party.” More than $7.5 million was spent on “ballot access,” including $1.28 million in payments to Atlas Strategy Group, owned by Republican strategist Gregg Keller. The money also went toward legal fees, online video production to promote his campaign, and “Kanye 2020” merchandise.

Additionally, public records show he spent $210,544 on a two-page ad in The New York Times, which ran one week ahead of the election, and $918,130 on campaign apparel on Election Day.

He ultimately conceded on Nov. 3 with about $1.3 million in the bank, but his presidential aspirations may not be over. Along with his concession, Ye announced a potential run in four years, tweeting, “KANYE 2024.”

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